Collected Poems
W. B. Yeats
Price  299.00
"Collected Poems is a reproduction of the 1933 edition of Yeats’ collected poems, featuring works spanning several decades of his prolific career. His fondness for Irish folklore is reflected in earlier works, such as Crossways (1889). In The Wind among the Reeds (1899), Yeats fascination for the mystical comes to the fore, whereas in Responsibilities (1914), he adopts a more direct style of prose. The Tower (1928) reveals Ireland’s turbulent political state. While the great poet’s themes changed over the years, his use of symbolism and powerful imagery to bring his words to life remained constant in his work."
ISBN 9781509857722Category FictionSubcategory Poetry
Publisher Pan Macmillan IndiaImprint Macmillan Popular ClassicsPublished 31/07/2017
Format BBinding PaperbackPage extent 496
William Butler Yeats was born in 1865 in County Dublin. With his much-loved... »
books by W. B. Yeats