The Ogre of Oglefort
Eva Ibbotson
Price  499.00
When a Hag, an orphan boy called Ivo, Ulf the troll and wizard Brian Brainsweller are sent to rescue a princess from an ogre, they briefly consider running away and hiding. Can they be any match for the gruesome, terrifying, ghastly, flesh-eating Ogre of Oglefort? But not all is as it first appears - the Ogre is depressed and the princess doesn't want to be rescued. The Norns, who rule their fates, decide to take things in hand and send a gang of the vilest, most petrifying ghouls to get the job done properly ...A new cover edition of this wonderfully spooky young-fiction title from the award-winning author of Journey to the River Sea, Eva Ibbotson.
ISBN 9781447265733Category ChildrenSubcategory Fiction
Publisher Pan MacmillanImprint Macmillan Children's BooksPublished 01/09/2015
Format B FormatBinding PaperbackPage extent 240
Age group Children's / Teenage fiction & true stories
Eva Ibbotson was born in Vienna, but when the Nazis came to power her family... »
books by Eva Ibbotson