Jacob's Ladder
Ludmila Ulitskaya
Price  2450.00
The modern Tolstoy presents a family saga spanning a century of Russian history One of Russia’s most renowned literary figures and a Man Booker International Prize nominee, Ludmila Ulitskaya presents what may be her final novel. Jacob’s Ladder is a family saga spanning a century of recent Russian history—and represents the summation of the author’s career, which has been devoted to sharing the absurd and tragic tales of twentieth-century life in her nation. Spanning the seeming promise of the prerevolutionary years, to the dark Stalinist era, to the corruption and confusion of the present day, Jacob’s Ladder is a pageant of romance, betrayal, and memory. With a scale worthy of Tolstoy, it asks how much control any of us have over our lives—and how much is in fact determined by history, by chance, or indeed by the genes passed down by the generations that have preceded us into the world.
ISBN 9780374293659Category FictionSubcategory Literary Fiction
Publisher Macmillan USImprint Farrar, Straus and GirouxPublished 09/07/2019
Format RoyalBinding HardcoverPage extent 560
LUDMILA ULITSKAYA is one of Russia's most popular and renowned literary... »
books by Ludmila Ulitskaya