28 Day Alcohol Free Challenge
Beat the Booze and Change Your Life
Andy Ramage
Ruari Fairbairns
Price  899.00
Life's too short to waste time on a hangover.

The 28 Day Alcohol Free Challenge is a book about giving up alcohol to get back the parts of your life drinking can suck away. You don't have to be an addict, or have any problem with alcohol to find that it makes you tired or negatively impacts on the most important relationships in your life. You also don't have to commit to quitting booze for life: this 28 Day Challenge is designed to highlight potential bad habits surrounding alcohol and inspire you to look again at how you drink, why you drink, when and where, for a more productive, healthy and happier lifestyle.
Andy Ramage and Ruari Fairbairns started their website One Year No Beer to connect with a community of people that, for a variety of reasons, no longer have the patience to waste time dealing with the adverse effects of drinking alcohol. In The 28 Day Alcohol Free Challenge Andy and Ruari share their hints and tips for going alcohol free, including getting through parties, events and gatherings, the inevitable slip-ups and most importantly embracing the health and social benefits of putting alcohol in its place.
ISBN 9781509857258Category Non-fictionSubcategory Health, Fitness & Dieting
Publisher Pan Macmillan UKImprint BluebirdPublished 28/10/2017
Format OtherBinding Trade PaperbackPage extent 208
Andy is a former professional athlete turned oil broker who currently runs... »